Eye Center

MedicaTRUST offers comprehensive services in ophthalmology in the treatment of all eye diseases like laser eye surgery, cataract surgery, glaucoma, eyelid diseases and diabetic eye diseases. Contact MedicaTRUST and get your special quotes in Turkey. You can make a combination of holiday and LASIK surgery in Antalya as well as Istanbul.

A. Excimer Laser ( Laser Eye Surgery )

The common method used in the treatment of refractive errors such as myopia, hypermetropia, astigmatism is Excimer laser.

• Superficial Treatments

The outer surface of the cornea, the epithelium, is scraped and applied to the surface of the laser. At the end of the process, contact lenses are worn for a few days in order to make the surface faster and easier to heal and reduce the inconvenience. Until the surface healing is completed (48-72 hours), the vision is slightly cloudy.

• Deep Treatment

It is the most widely used method today due to its advantages such as high degree of crushing defects, the speed of visual healing and shorter duration of post-treatment discomfort (6-8 hours). Lasik method, a thin layer of corneal surface is removed after the laser is applied, and at the end of the process removed layer is covered again.

• Before Laser Treatment

It includes inspections and examinations to determine if it is suitable for excimer laser therapy and to plan the most appropriate and safe laser method. At least as important as the laser process itself. The soft lenses must be attached for 2 days, the hard and the ocular lenses should not be attached for 2 weeks before the examination.

• Laser Inspection

The degree of visual acuity and refractive error is determined. Eye pressure is measured. The front and back of the eye are examined in detail.

• Laser Surveys

– The topographic (slope and height) map of the cornea, which is the transparent layer in the most part of the eye, is removed.

– The thickness of the cornea is measured by the pachymetric method. Corneal thickness is one of the most important parameters in determining the laser method to be applied.

– Measure the diameter of the eye doll in darkness and light with the pupilometer.

– The wavefront analysis method is used to evaluate irregularities in transparent media.

The tests and the results of the examinations are evaluated together and it is decided whether the eye is suitable for the laser and, if appropriate, which method to choose.

• Treatment Phase

Excimer laser therapy is a non-invasive procedure that is short and patient-friendly. Treatment is not necessary. Moreover, the patient can do eye makeup and take blood thinners like aspirin.

When you enter the laser chamber, you will be asked to lie back on the special laser bed and your eyes will only be matched to the eye drop. Your eyelids will be squeezed with a special tool for your eyebrows during the procedure, after creating an eye-catching sterile covering.

The eyes are not bandaged after the treatment is over.

• Post Treatment

Approximately 30 minutes after the treatment is completed, the control examination is performed and then the patient is sent home.

In the Lasik method, burning and watering occur for 6-8 hours after the treatment. The first day you do not drive, you should not rub your eyes and avoid eye irritation. The next day after the treatment, vision is returning to normal.
In the PRK method, these durations are about 2-2.5 days.

After treatment, various eye drops are used in the Lasik method for about 3 weeks. In the PRK method, it is necessary to use drops for 6-8 weeks.

Today, people are looking for a more comfortable life. Many people think that contact lenses and goggles limit themselves and wish to see them well without their help. Thanks to the great advances in technology, Excimer laser refractive surgery is the most common and effective method of achieving this goal. In the last 10 years, Excimer laser application in the world has exceeded 50 million.
With the help of advanced technological devices, highly satisfactory results are obtained in excimer laser treatments applied by well trained and experienced physicians.

B. Cataract

Cataract is an eye disease that results in the loss of the transparency of the natural lens in the eye and consequently the reduction in vision. It occurs due to 90% progressive age. But it can be seen in all age groups, including babies.

Cataract has no medication. The only treatment is the surgeon. The opacified lens is taken by losing the transparency of the operation and it is ensured that the patient can see again. The name of the method known as laser cataract surgery is phacoemulsification. In this method, the cataract in the eye is grinded with the help of an ultrasonic vibrating needle and taken out of the eye. This procedure is called FAKO surgery.

In today’s developing cataract surgery; except for special cases, general or local anesthesia is no longer applied. The patient is prepared with drops that are only fitting the eyes and dropped 4-5 times. The patient has to sleep quietly for 10-15 minutes.

C. Glaucoma

A glaucoma is a disease that occurs when the rising intraocular pressure destroys the optic nerve. In the initial period of the illness, there is usually no complaints from the patient, so the patient has a long period of visual anesthesia and this depression may be irreparable when the patient becomes aware of the condition. For this reason, early diagnosis of glaucoma is of great importance. Glaucoma should be treated as a life-long illness when diagnosed. If an emergency is not the case, glaucoma initial treatment is done with eye drops. Ophthalmic medicines reduce intraocular pressure by decreasing fluid production and increasing outflow.

The ophthalmologist evaluates the success of the treatment by measuring the intraocular pressure and computerized visual field examinations. If success is achieved, the treatment will last a lifetime. It is necessary to perform visual field examinations between 6 and 12 months of the controls at 3 and 6-month periods. If visual acuity deterioration continues to increase despite drug treatment, additional drug treatment is started. If this does not give a satisfactory result, surgical treatment is applied to increase drainage. After surgery, drug treatment is restarted if necessary.

D. Eyelid Diseases

While eyelid diseases seem very simple, they can cause serious problems when not treated.

• Chalazia

It is inflammation of the secretory glands of the eyelid. Pain in the eyelids, redness, and swelling bring to the scene. If not treated early, these follicles may turn into permanent cysts. Initial bowel drug therapy, injection into the cyst at a later stage, and surgical removal of cysts in cases where these are not sufficient.

• Entropion

With a general description, it is possible to turn the lashes and the lid inward. There may be corneal irritation due to the reversal of the caps. Drug therapy can be used to save time in the treatment, but the actual treatment is the surgeon.

• Ectropion

It is the outward turning of the eyelid which is accompanied by watering. Regardless of the cause, the main solution is surgical treatment.

• Ptosis

It’s the fall of your eyelids. Although congenital is the main reason of ptosıs of the population, most of them are caused by reasons such as trauma and old age and separation of the retaining tissues (aponuroz). Systemic diseases can also be seen after facial paralysis. The treatment is the surgeon. Since the ptosis may be a symptom of system disease, general body scans need to be done carefully. It should be treated as early as possible, as it can cause eyewitness in children.

E. Strabismus

It is called strabismus when the eyes do not look parallel. While one of the eyes is looking straight, the other may slip in, out, up or down. The slip may be continuous or transient, it may consist of one eye, or it may alternate between two eyes. Strabismus can be observed in 4% of children. It may also occur at older ages. Girls and boys can be found at equal ratios. It may be inherited, but strabismus may not be observed in any relations of the many patients with strabismus problems.

Surgery begins only with lifting the eyebrows and reaching the muscles that move the eye. Then, the necessary strengthening and weakening procedures are applied to the muscles of one eye and two eyes. Post-operative healing is rapid. It will return to normal life in a few days. After surgery, glasses or prism may be needed.

Each person’s eye can change again according to his or her healing response, but if the slip is less or over-corrected after surgery, it can be re-operated. In strabismus, early surgery is very important. Because after babies have their eyes slipped, normal vision and double-eyes feel comfortable. Strabismus surgery is performed to bring the eyes to their normal parallel positions. Strabismus surgery is not an alternative method of using glasses and treatment of visual acuity. The glasses used before the operation and the applied visual acuity treatment are continued in the same way after the operation.

F. Diabetic Eye Diseases

Diabetes is a disease state that results in the deterioration of glucose metabolism in the body. As a result: disorders of the body vessels begin. Damage develops in many organs, especially eye, kidney, heart and vascular system. In diabetic patients, cataracts in the eye, glaucoma and, most importantly, diabetic retinopathy can lead to decreased vision. Diabetes mellitus is 25 times more likely to develop vision loss. It occurs as one of the most common causes of vision loss between ages 20-65.

In advanced diabetic eye diseases, movements or contractions of the so-called vitreous filling of the eye begin to attract new vascular and fibrotic membrane formation. The already thin veins bleed and fill the eye (intra-vitreous hemorrhage). Fibrotic membranes also cause rupture and damage of retinal tissue (fractionated retinal detachment). In addition, new veins can increase the eye strain by affecting the way out of the eye fluid.

Fundus fluorescein angiography (FFA) is an extremely easy method of examining the angiography of the eye. Leaks from vessels, bleeds, deposits, unfiltered fields, new veins, membrane formations and other damages are detected, the treated areas are determined.

Laser photocoagulation

The laser passing through the eye, in the form of a strong electric current, passes thorough argon and krypton and generates energy. The laser directs this energy into a narrow, uniform light beam. This bundle is focused in the eye with the microscope and lenses, and ultimately this energy is used to correct disorders or diseases in the retinal layer in Diabetic eye disease. Laser therapy is painless.